For all the people who want to show their appreciation for my services as a podiatrist, they are asked to write me a thank you note. But better yet, everyone can get me presents. I am a girl, I like getting presents. They make me happy. And I am sure you all would rather keep me happy than risk my wrath. Right? Right? *gives a fierce glare*
Anyways, I was just browsing online stores as I always do. And my eyes just happened to catch onto this absolutely cute hot chocolate maker. Now, the gold standard would be the HK$ 6000 Automatic Bean-to-Coffee Krups Coffee Machine. But, when your friends do not love you that much, you have to make do with less. Prezzybox had this machine for only 40 pounds! Nah, show you...
1. Gold Standard

2. Not-so-gold standard but still-make-me-happy standard

I always wanted a coffee machine when I have my own house and kitchen. You know, like those you watch on tv series. Heheh. Hey, can you take photos of your room after furnishing? I believe we all wanna see :)
I've got an idea that will make all of us (boys and girls) happy! We boys buy you tasteful coffee cups and stirrers that don't have Hong Kong curtain patterns on them and you bargain viciously (take no hostages!) on the Mainland for a copy-kopi-machine :) OK? :)
lynnx01: Yes, I shall take photos and camwhore my room kau-kau! :) Until all of you are so sick of it and refuse to read MangoBun ever again! :p I want la the machine..
Stek: Hm.. its weird calling u Stek, but I guess I like coffee cups, and tea cups.. you forget I collect china.. haha.. I probably can collect for China soon! :) yes, lets go Mainland and bargain!
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