I had an interesting day today. Somehow, all the patients decided to be painfully ignorant, annoying or just ballantly denying any knowledge of self responsibility. We wanted to pull our hair our from Patient One all the way to Patient Last One. On a lighter note, I had my first English speaking patient in a long time and my tongue went twisted and the words just don't fly out as easily as back in UK. I am worried. Does this mean my English has deteriorated to such an extent that basic I-can-do-that-blindfolded-with-one-hand-tied-behind-my-back podiatry explainations are actually difficult to explain? Or it has just been a long time since I had to tell someone right in their face that their stilletoes are not suitable instead of relying on the cushioned translation of the assistant where the impact is lost as they don't glare as strongly at them? One woman came in with a huge rock on her middle finger. We figured it was easily three carats, maybe even ten, but couldn't decide if it was real as it was that big. She was wearing another Gucci ring and another diamond ring and was decked in shiny jewellery all over. The only concern I had was the stilletoes looked too cheap to carry the look off.
Back to the topic, I had my medical check up today and also got a flu jab. They are paranoid about infectious diseases and insist on inoculating everyone. My arm is still sore from the jab. Last year, half the medical personnel inoculated went down with fever, so many people refused to take the jab this year, but the HA insisted everyone get one this year. This means risk is high this year but they don't want to alarm anyone.
I spent the evening furniture hunting again. Got my bedframe and some lace net for curtains. I am so stuck for curtains so I am making them myself. The hostel manager told me too late that there were some second hand beds for sale. Oh well, at least I know my mattress is suitable for my back. I thought my duvet would be my greatest expenditure. Boy, was I wrong. My record is being constantly broken.
I am sure it will be worth it in the end and everyone will love my duvet me enough to visit me.
Hey babe, thanks for your letter! Osbert faithfully delivered it to my doorstep =) It really made me smile!
Where you find such cute paper?!?!
Stella dearieee,the flu jab made me had the flu for 2 months...==||
Nits: Hehe.. you're welcome. You see, postal services are very thorough! :) Here can get cute paper everywhere. Almost impossible to find uncute paper.
Beatrice: I will send you your stuff soon! Sorry I am taking so long! The flu jab still ok. I took some painkillers, but my arm still numb. Shuold have done it on the bum, then it will be firmer haha!
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