Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Room warming

We like cake.

I found not one, but three new hunting grounds yesterday. I was off to buy some cake for my room warming. I got twelve lovely cakes that were so pretty to look at and even nicer to eat! :) I also got some sushi for nibbles and ordered the roasts for the mains. The collegues think we should do this every week. Good for staff motivation! Hahah..

I should stop saying I will not spend any more money. We all know how everything I say backfires. I got Bvlgari Crystalline perfume while I was doing the whirlwind trip of cake shopping. It was on sale okay! Normally HK$656 but I got for HK$198. How not to buy??

There was a Hello Kitty shop, and I went in looking for the same humidifier Audrey Ooi got, the Hello Kitty one where the steam comes out the ears... And I saw five grown besuited men standing inside. It was bad enough if one was inside, but five? And they were chatting away as if there were standing in the lift! I walked past the shop as it was too small for a girl like me to go in. I was not giving up. I had seen this Hello Kitty bathmat hanging there which was too cute not to look at. So I walked around the shopping centre and went back there again. AND THEY WERE STILL THERE! My goodness, those guys are Hello Kitty addicts or what???? I walked boldly into the store and they all turned to look at me. I stared back and they backed out the shop. My guess was that one guy could not bear to go in alone, and found four sidekicks for moral support. The others were either blackmailed into standing inside or peer pressure did the trick. Real men stand proud next to Hello Kitty propaganda. They then stood outside while one guy was making purchases. I looked around and went out and felt their eyes bore through me as I walked away. Maybe it was some fellow Hello Kitty sign I didn't know about and I was supposed to respond to show solidarity.

Anyways, my curtains are up. I didn't need 100 dollar Ikea curtain wire that were complicated to hang them up, but used a washing line and some hooks that cost me 18 dollars. So thats another 82 dollars to my Gucci bag fund. I just need to fix my paintings on the wall. I am going to borrow a drill from Orthropeadics. It's all sterilised anyway!

I shall join the masses and be one of them. And for that, I need a Gucci handbag and a cute Hello Kitty loving boyfriend. *rolls eyes*

Lunching Ladies.

Split it evenly to taste all flavours fairly.

PS: It is my 2 month in Hong Kong anniversary. It is weird to have settled in and moved into my room so soon!


Jing said...

Stella,congratulations with yor new place~~ohhhh,wanna go to your place ..and eat cakes...
do you did not end up o buy that hello kitty bath mat?~~

Stella said...

ehhehe.. thank u thank u.. when I figure out how to hang my paintings on the wall then i will take photos.. yea.. come and eat cake! the cakes all so niceeeeee
no.. it didnt match the curtains:(

Anonymous said...

Photos yay!
Is that your boss who's making a "v" sign??

Stella said...

Nits: Yes... its the boss haha