Friday, 14 December 2007

Bimbo Alert

*Alert* This is going to be a totally bimbotic post. *Alert*

The boss and I make a good team if I say so myself. We run our clinics so quickly that we can get everything sorted and running as we move along. Normally the patients are in and out in 15 minutes and we get left with a foot of notes to write up at the end of the day.Now, we get them in and out in 15 minutes and all the prescriptions, notes and referal letters written up in 15 minutes. Are we good or are we good? :)

Anyways, we had a very important thing to do this afternoon. We were inundated with a huge caseload. However, we had a common understanding that there was something more urgent that required our attention. So we ordered two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. There are three of us working in out department and twenty-four donuts to split. :) We wanted them today but they couldn't deliver before 6pm. So we are getting them next Friday. Why wait a week? Well, we figured we could pretend to forget about them. Then when we open the door next Friday we will get the pleasant aroma of 24 amazing donuts. But then, I have written the Krispy Kreme hotline number permanently on our notice board, next to the Emergency Hotline number. It's an emergency number too okay! What if one of our diabetic patients gets a hypoglycaemic attack?

The banker has gone to Malaysia. I asked him nicely to carry my Christmas presents back for my family. I sure hope he remembers to bring them. He has threatened to forget them/leave them/DHL them/give them to customs. If my sister doesn't get her dangly golden pig earrings she is going to be so disappointed and the world will have one less trader. Don't worry, there are enough open seas to dump bodies. And I know from experience that I should not bleed them in corners, as corners are very hard to clean out and will continue to seap liquid for days.

The glaswegian hongkee is going to be back in Hong Kong this Christmas. This has opened up my Christmas options. I can now rough it under the stars with the cyclist, tuck in to Christmas grub with the engineer, slave over the microwave or eat out with the banker, be scrutinised by the parents of the glaswegian hongkee or get drunk with the boss and her family on Boxing day. Or I can be truly anti-social and sleep for five days to wake up fresh as a daisy for work on the 27th. Oh the choices! I really want to be with my family and friends. I just want to chill out with some cocktails, a duvet, pillows and some warm bodies to snuggle with and share girly moments and bimbotic thoughts. A hot spring and massage would be nice too.

Anyways, I am so bored this weekend. I should dig out the vet for dinner. I owe him a dinner since October. =P Or I should go say hi to some friends I have not seen since early November. Maybe I could just go get my nails done. I think I shall get my nails done.

A patient asked me how old I am. I asked him to guess. He said I look 20, but am probably 28. I don't know to feel flattered or insulted.


My Rantings said...

Haha, so mean of the patient! :D

Anonymous said...

i think you should be flattered...maybe he meant you look young but have the wisdom & maturity of a 28 yr old =)

i want krisy kreme! ooh maybe i can get some when i visit ra next week!

Stella said...

DQ: Yea lo.. just wana kepo only!

Nits: Yes.. you deserve it! :) ahaha maturity? hahahahha