I went to ShenZhen yesterday. I was bored and I didn't feel like waiting till Sunday for my friend to come along. So I did the thing my dad/the banker/the vet/the engineer/the boss didn't want me to do. I went alone. Heck, if I am healthy enough to walk I should be able to run right? Hm.. okay, maybe running is out of the question, I am not that healthy. Besides, looking too healthy may make me a target for involuntary organ donation.
ShenZhen Trip Agenda:-
I got my nails done. The guy who did them was pretty nosy and wanted to know who I went with. I pretended that I had a crappy boyfriend who didn't want to wait 2 hours in a nail bar for me unlike some of the other guys there. He was not too impressed with my 'boyfriend'. Maybe he wanted more business for the place offered massages, lunch on the go and all kinds of things. The nails were not as nice as the last time and were more expensive. I shall be going back to the first nail bar in the future.
I was hunting for a cover for my sofabed. They do overcharge to make those things! I give up. I rather spend on a good massage than a sofa cover for a sofa that is not even mine. On the other hand, I got a fur stole and a matching bag made. The animal activists will hate me. Please don't hate me. I will let you borrow my stole and bag! I was looking for a sofa cover anyway, and I couldn't afford a whole sofa cover, so all I could afford was a stole and sheepskin looked too fluffy and my sister will fly out here immediately, name the sofa LambySofa and never leave.
Anyways, I took the engineer's recomendation and went to explore ShenZhen a bit more. Okay, he told me where the shops were good but told me not to go alone. Ie: He will bring me. I am a nice person and don't like troubling people unless I really want to trouble them for fun. =) So I took the metro to Hua Qiang Road where the shops are supposedly good. It's pretty weird looking at the pinyin of the chinese words instead of cantonese interpretations of words. I have to say, the metro has left a good impression. It is clean, fast and efficient. The only downside is the fact that seven people squeze themselves into seats meant for five and men stare at you openly. So yes, I can take chinese metro if its empty.
The shops in ShenZhen are way bigger, better and brighter than Hong Kong. All the biggest brands are here. Why do they still need to shop in Hong Kong? ShenZhen is all you need, albeit a bit more expensive. They have the originals and the "Designed in Europe, Made in China" stuff as well all out in the open. The clothes are pretty good too. They like to go over the top and dress in flouncy dresses made in brocade curtain material and paint glitter hearts on their cheeks. I was just wandering around aimlessly when I was invited into a spa/beauty centre. They were doing some three year anniversary thing and were offering massages for 12 dollars. The alarm bells started going off. Who does this kind of rubbish right? But since I figured I had time and money, I could afford any trick they sell to me. So I got a three hour massage, facial and some treatment thing for free as a taster package. They persuaded me to buy a spa package. So for RMB 6800 I got 45 facials, 45 full body massages, 20 beauty treatments, 300 cash voucher and RMB1400 worth of beauty products. The whole thing was going for RMB 20000 if I bought it seperately. Considering that it was a pretty big franchise and I was going to pay at least RMB240 for a massage and facial plus tip normally at a small massage palour with dodgy women anyway, I figured it would be fine. And I can use this priviledge in any of the 2500 branches they have throughout China. It's a women-only spa so I can't bring any male friends. Which leads me to the thought: I have no female friends my age. I would like to use this opportunity to invite my female friends to come and visit me. You heard me. Bring your passport.
Random thought for the day: 49% of Japanese men sit on the toilet instead of standing up. The reasons given included the fact that they didn't want to annoy the female conterpart, didn't want the hassle of cleaning up and that they were simply too tired at the end of the day, and sitting down is less tiring than standing up.
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