I am so bored. I was so bored that I woke up on Saturday morning and cleaned my room, did my laundry, changed the sheets, wiped out all the cupboards, hung my paintings and dusted all surfaces. Okay, I was woken up on Saturday morning and since I had time between 9am and 12 noon I figured I should do some cleaning.
I dropped by Accident and Emergency in the process. My friend was feeling unwell and knocked on my door bright and early when I was still lounging about in my PJs with my hair sticking up. So I attempted to make myself presentable in case there are any hot doctors on show (there were), and went off to A&E with her. The waiting times were 0 minutes for the critically ill ie: will-die-any-second, to 15 minutes for the seriously ill ie: will-die-in-15-minutes, to 6 hours for the ones who can walk in the door. Now, A&E in Hong Kong is used for a myriad of things from proper emergencies to people just requiring a flu jab. So we registered and were triaged into non-emergency ie: will-complain-if-not-seen-in-four-hours ill. The fact that we lived near enough to crawl here was a comfort compared to the countless others who would have to wait their turn watching cantonese soaps. So we went back to our quarters. My friend said she would go back to see the doctor when the time comes and she was feeling better already.
Anyways, after all the drama of the morning I set off for a relaxing day at the shops. The banker was bored and tired of walking about so we settled to vege out at a cafe in the mall. If I had known he was going to read an investment book as leisurely entertainment I would have brought my podiatry books as not to be outdone. But I didn't, so I had to eat snacks to keep myself occupied. I couldn't tempt him to go for the most amazing chocolate pudding in the world which was the size of a plate, with hot chocolate sauce oozing out and four scoops of ice-cream on top surrounded by fruits. I had that on Friday night while playing gooseberry with my boss and her husband. Men are such spoilsports who don't eat chocolate pudding for fear of losing their masculinity. Shessh. We went to look for dinner afterwards but couldn't decide what to eat so settled for this tiny Malaysian cafe in Jordan. The place was more-or-less empty but the curry laksa and the curry fish sauce was really good. The fish didn't taste like fish so I wouldn't call it curry fish but it tasted good otherwise and was brilliant comfort food when you don't cook.
I carried on shopping at Ladies' Street Market just to absorb the hustle and bustle of the people. My place is pretty quiet and relatively clean compared to the rest of Hong Kong so I needed my dose of pullution and noise to make me feel sane. Just in case I start thinking Hong Kong is the best place on Earth and I never ever want to leave it. I got two more DVD box sets to entertain me. My place is now full of chicklit and DVDs for a rainy day. Ra, SATC 7 series boxset is less than 700 HK$.
Sunday was also spent doing housekeeping and shopping for groceries. If this goes on any longer I am going to turn into a housewife! I went to early Mass and then did my groceries then I came back and tidied up a bit more. I went for Dim Sum with the boss and her family. Her kids are so cute. I am sure I am the four year old girl's best friend now. Chinese looking babies are claimed to be the cutest babies in the world. I have to admit they do look kinda cute, if you have the right genes. I spent more money on shiny stuff and am now the proud owner of a crystal encrusted belt, seashell earings, another throw and a cute little machine that whirls around, traps dust and makes my room smell nice. Oh, I got some tops on Thursday to will away the horrible headache.
Too much money and nothing to buy. It is kind of weird to not have to live hand to mouth. But then, that's being single and liberated. I probably won't be able to survive if I have a family to feed, children to educate, a mortage to pay, a car to run, parents to keep and a younger sister to educate. Now is it starting to feel depressing.
Super shopper lah you! Keep it up!! :)
Hey, don't feel so bored! You should make the most of your free time, and do loads of fun crazy stuff!
Loving the photos, your cocktails look yummy =)
lynnx01: ahhah.. so good until I cant shop anymore.. Shopping Fatigue!
Nits; where did u see them? U went back to past entries is it?
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