Friday, 7 December 2007


I am feeling absolutely restless today. I had a heavy day at the clinic due to some individuals who seem to have no concept that I am the professional and they are the patients and I will teach them what to do, not vice versa. The number of people who wish to teach the podiatrist what to do is astonishing. I never knew the granny who sits at home all day, the daugther who is a housewife, the man who sits playing mah-jong and chain smoking at the elderly home and the son who doesn't have a clue what they are here for all have ideas of their own on podiatric care.

Anyways, we were scheduling our appointments and I was suddenly asked to explain why I am planning to go back for CNY for a week. I was surprised as I had asked for leave many times and have been given the go ahead a few times. So I had booked my tickets to go back for the week. But now, I am apparently not allowed to go back for so long. -_-

This well and truly screws up my plans as I have paid for my tickets already and can't afford to rebook any more tickets. I thought I was being considerate by only taking Christmas eve off this year. I am not scheduling any leave for January, March, April, May or even June as I know she is going off for one week at Christmas, 2 days for January and a month at Easter.

I have ranted three times and I am still feeling pissed off. Why should I feel guiltly for wanting to go home for one measy week to see my family? They are going back at Christmas for a week to see my grandparents and I am not able to travel so much for the trip, which means I can't go back for Christmas.

Being considerate means you get trampled over sometimes. I am sure some people have this thing where they justify that their families are more important than the single individual and should be given priority when booking leave. I would like to state that single people have families too and we need to see our families as well. I told her I will look into rebooking flights, but now I don't think I will bother. So what if she rants? I can always quit and know that someone else would be more than willing to employ me. So what if it is my first job. Just because I gave her two months notice before I booked my tickets and told her many times as well as had her pencil in my leave doesn't mean I should change it. Now she makes it seem that I have not thought about others.

Honestly, I don't give a damn. But, saying that, I am now looking to goback next weekend. I can't stand being here another weekend. So what if the flights will cost me a month's salary. The stupid thing is, I have 63 hours between friday evening and monday morning and I can't find flights that will allow me to be in KL for more than 24 hours without compromising my clinical schedule. Why do I do this to myself? *sigh*
PS: If I really can't find flights I am determined to get myself in trouble just for the sake of doing something. I am THAT restless.


Anonymous said...

You deserve a break at CNY! HOpe everything works out ok =)

Excellent said...

Aiyo. Whatever you do, don't take it personally. It will make you feel less restless.
They're probably just 'trying to fill in a schedule' and not thinking about your feelings. So, similarly, hold your ground and argue based on procedure (i.e. you submitted your request well in advance and were told it had been approved). Then you can distance yourself from it emotionally and still enjoy your work and weekend.

I know it's loads easier to say then to do. Good luck & take care!

LX said...

Being considerate means you get trampled over sometimes.

So, so true!

My Rantings said...

I can't believe that they're not happy you're taking leave for CNY. Maybe you're new, so they think you shouldn't take such a long leave. Normally newbies have to give in to oldies... :(

Stella said...

nits: Yeah! I TOTALLY!

Pieter: That's a very rational way of looking at it. But I decided to be irrational for once and take it out on my bank balance (again) haha

lynnx01: It's depressing what the real world is like huh?

DQ: I can only hope it will be ok. So far, she has not asked again.