Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Monopoly HK Edition

Monopoly is one of those games that I can never win. Even my sister's pet lamb can win this game while I wallow in debt and live off my generous brother(s). Maybe that's why my father insisted I study some form of business which will hopefully save me from financial ruin.

The knowledge didn't save me, neither did it destroy me. I buy things with my eyes wide open knowing very well that the salesgirls are just trying to squeeze every single penny they can out of me and that the whole 'buy X amount and get Y% discount/free Z gift' is a marketing ploy.

The sister has at least four different Monopoly sets and can manage advanced adult Monopoly while I prefer the Jnr version. I know...I don't like complicated games. Anyway, I had the weirdest dream last night where I was a pawn in the Monopoly game. I was the green person. (My Junior Monopoly has only basic four colours okay, no fancy gadgets and tokens.) Anyways I was playing against random kiasu people and I had to get various property in like 45 minutes. So I grabbed the green token and went to steal the red and yellow one from the other teams scattered around a game board that looked suspiciously like Hong Kong. Unfortunately I didn't manage to steal the blue one before timeout and was almost caught by the evil Yellow Queen who was anorexic and puked into a box made of carrots to stay skinny. However, I managed to slip out of the yellow building with my token right in front of blue vodka drinking guards before the Yellow Queen declared a state of emergency and clamped down all entry and exits to China the Yellow building.

My thought process manages to baffle me time and time again.


Anonymous said...

Haha... hey, at least you were thinking outside of the (monopoly) box. That's good, right? I read there's a storm coming your way, so: happy wind-surfing in Victoria Harbour! :)

Stella said...

I had typhoon 8!! :)