Saturday, 28 June 2008

The Price of Fuel

The price of fuel has rattled a lot of people. The cost of living has increased dramatically with no increase in salaries in the foreseeable future. Lifestyles change to accommodate inflation as we try to battle this in our own ways. The family is glad that we have gotten used to the one car per family, and to using public transport. There are many who see public transport as 'below them' or an inconvenience. If I had lived my whole life in my own country, I would have probably be of the same opinion. Fortunately, living abroad allows me to look at the bigger picture. We have it good that there is no tax on our fuel in Malaysia compared to many other countries where it is taxed up to 200%. I believe to there is hope in public transport. They just need to provide more door-t0-door routes that allow people to travel without relying on driving to the MRT station to catch a train. We need to adjust our habits and change to be able to survive in this time of global economical strife.
Note to self: I shall not shop for unnecessary items.


Anonymous said...

You should buy a bike!

Stella said...

But I can't ride. :(