Monday 29 June 2009

White Lies

I was pulled up the other day, for being sociable.

I never knew that making friends was an offense. That having personal time was a big no-no. And not telling people who don't need to know your private life what you are doing with your time is illegal. Because apparently it is.

I don't think that telling little half-truths is a sin. Because these half truths have allowed me to protect you from feeling the hurt of exclusion. And the hurt only comes from the attitude you give to others. Thus their reluctance to include you into their social lives. So why shoot the messager when you accidentally find out?

One day, I hope you realise that is it important to respect others. We are watching and waiting. I can tolerate a lot of bullshit. However, I draw the line at manipulation. My life is mine to live as I please. And you are not invited into it.

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