Monday 8 February 2010

Out of Office Reply:

I am going back for Chinese New Year on Friday. Or at the very least, I am going back for the reunion dinner. This year's celebration will be pretty subdued as we feel the absence of a loved one in our midst. Somehow, things don't feel just quite right without my grandfather's cheeky grin when we smuggle some fatty siew yuk onto his plate without grandma noticing.

We have to stay at home instead of going out to sample delicious homemade pineapple tarts. Thus, I have made my booking with my aunt for a box to be delivered to my house ehehe...

The end of an era drives home the fact that we are not getting any younger. Our parents are aging, our siblings are growing taller and people are popping out babies left,right and centre.

The pressure is on...


LX said...

My condolences to you and your family. Some years ago, my family stayed home for 3 out of 4 consecutive CNYs. Ever since then, I just didn't think it is a big deal anymore. Gah, I miss my grandmother now that I am typing this. Take care. You can always still eat the tarts at home.

Flo Flo said...

So sorry to hear about the loss. My nanny just passed away a few months back too.

On my side, ppl are not popping babies...just yet. They are getting hitched. I just play dumb and pretend not to hear "the question".

Happy Tiger Year nonetheless! :)

オテモヤン said...
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Stella said...

Lx: Thanks... I think I cannot fit into my fat jeans any longer

Flo: huh? what question? hehe I have selective hearing...

Flo Flo said...

muahaha! good one...shall use it when i encounter "the question" again :P