Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Cinderella Factor

They don't crown me queen because the crown will mess up my hair

You all know the story about the girl who went to the ball in a pretty dress and nice shoes and had the time of her life and lived happily ever after.

I mean, who hasn't? Unless you were deprived of Disney and Barbie in your formative years or you had evil stepsisters who made you cook and clean and wash the cat.

If I haven't before, I would like to introduce you to my flatmates - Jovy (Room 2), and Geri (Room 4), the person who lives in Room 1 is freaky and eats humans (joking). I live in Room 3, Flat D8... Enough now, I don't need anymore stalkers.

Room 2, Room 3 & Room 4

Back to Cinderella, Jovy had a ball. It wasn't just any old ball... It was more than a colourful, bouncy, plastic ball that made funny noises when you spin it.

It was an Eye Ball.

A nice gooey eyeball... If you watched the latest Pirate of the Caribbean movie you would have noticed that the eyeball was a very important prop!
So Geri and I were very cordially invited to attend the Eye Ball while Jovy sat in the flat and cleaned...haha...

The Eye Ball was held at the Hilton on 29th May, 2007. It was scheduled to start at 7pm. Having attended things like those, I know the importance of arriving on time to facilitate the commence of food servicing. Stupid Idiot Friend of Flatmate (SIFF) was adamant that it wouldn't start until 8.30pm, and refused to let us go straight to the ball.

To cut a long story short, we were short changed, and foul-faced the rest of the evening due to the antics of SIFF. Even make up couldn't make us look like the goddesses we usually are.

We sneaked off to have a chocolate cream puff the toilet a few times to take photographs. I never knew cam-whoring could be so tiring!!! We eventually gave up pretending to sneak to the toilets and just hung about doing stupid stuff.

I wanted to be the matadore, but Jovy made me the bull =.=

I wonder if our feelings are mutual?

Heheh... Bye Bye Jovy's boyfriend.. I win!

Like all proper Cinderellas, we made sure we arrived home before midnight for fear of turning into pumpkins.
Supper was probably better than dinner : Tom Yam Crab Noodles... just typing that is making me drool...


Osbert said...

u drunk ar? face so red one....

Stella said...

I didn't drink!! reallyyy..
my face is always red.. =(