I went to China on Saturday. Some people say visiting China is a profound and emotional experience as that is where our ancestors came from. They who struggled so much and left in search of greener pastures, settling in pre-Malaysia and working their way up. So us younger generations should appreciate their sacrifice for the freedom we have and we should take the opportunity to visit the motherland and give back to them.
Well, I guess I gave enough money back alright. My first thought as I walked through the neon sign saying "welcome to Lo Wu entry port of China" was that the place was busy yet less developed compared to Hong Kong. The map showed buildings spanning the whole of ShenZhen, but they probably were not allowed to build so close to the HK border as I saw a cow lying there in the grass along with some vegetable fields. The entry port itself was confusing to get through. I went to the first immigration clearance and there were seperate counters for visitors, HK SAR residents and Mainland residents. So assuming I hold a Malaysian passport, I am a visitor, I queued as such; to be told that I am HK SAR resident and should queue in that line. Then there was another immigration counter that had lines for HK SAR residents and Foreigners. Thinking that I am in the former, I was surprised that they turned me away as I was a foreigner. -_-
They are not very pollitically correct here, as they just say 'Foreigner', not 'Other Passport' as most immigrations would state on their entry/exit boards.
ShenZhen was overwelming after I stepped out of the train station. I followed the crowds to the nearest shopping centre and didn't come out till 8 hours later. I still haven't finished going round all the shops. Anyways, I got my curtains done for a fraction of the price in Hong Kong and it only took two hours. I got some lovely chintz green curtains with red and yellow roses. I know it sounds horrible, but they do look elegant really! And I have matching cushion covers. :) I am going back for a creamy white sofa cover soon. And when everything is ready I shall take some photos of my room to make DQ jealous! :)
While I was waiting for the curtains I figured I should do what everyone does when they come to ShenZhen. I went for a full body massage. It was pretty good but I have heard what other services they offered too. They were selling me facials, beauty treatments etc, and I could purchase the masseuse by the hour. I could choose which one I wanted as they all have numbers and I can make appointments in advance. While the massage left me feeling radiant and my skin glowing I shudder at what other activities these rooms were used for. And I went to one of the biggest massage centres in the place too. In line with all the pampering, I got my nails done! I wanted to go for the normal manicure and pedicure, but they were selling me the 'jelly nails' as they called them and they looked so pretty and were not too dear. In Hong Kong it would cost HK$300 for lousy ones up to HK$1000+ for the very nicely done ones with crystals. I got it in ShenZhen for HK$150. They don't come easy though, the manicurist took 90 minutes to do my nails. The lady next to me must have been sitting there at least two hours as she had the most complicated designs. I went for simple plain nails as I still need to work. I feel so bimbotic now. Now I know why people with nice nails don't work, you can't do anything with these nails on!

I like my nails! :)
I also got some more tea. Yes, 24 hours after I wanted a coffee machine, I want tea. I got some Ginseng Oolong in Hong Kong for 40 dollars (on sale) for less than 30g. In China it was priced at around 160 dollars for 450g. And the shop I went too was not the cheapest either. I shall start being cultured and do tea ceremonies instead of dunking my bag of peppermint tea into a mug.
The prices in ShenZhen are supposed to be haggled down. They tell me to ask for 20% of the asking price. I didn't have the heart to, and I bet the traders are laughing at me behind my back. Wait until I am more experienced, then they will know my bargaining powers! I guess I should not go to China too often. Too much choice does bad things to your pocket. Especially when 100 dollars can get you seven pairs of shoes.
OMGGGGGG!100 dollars for 7 pairs of shoesssss!Stella,are you serious..?!!oh dear........so goodddddddddddd..
hey hey,do visit China more often and have the shoping spree!~hehe
does the people treat you nicely dearie????
beatrice: I am! so shocking huh?! the people are ok, they think I am from china/singapore/don't know where. They all think my skin is amazing and they want to know how I get it. -_-
Your weekend sounds amazing! I'd give anything for a massage now! You must have had a very nice time being pampered! Faster put up photos of your nails!
i think your skin are nice too,seeee,i told you before~!how you get it ?i wanna know toooo~
ya,wanna see your nails toooooooo
Haha, you wanna make me jealous? Take the pictures & make me jealous lah! :P
Hehe... why would I be jealous? You mean, mine is so nice, you wanna outdo me? :D
Actually hor, mine is not that nice lah, just to make you happy!
nits: yea, I told you, come here at christmas we pamper kau kau.. i miss uuuuuu...
beatrice: No secret la.. the only trick is the marry a man with good genes hahaha.. remember clinique 3 step.. not that I ever follow any routine.. but now must start being kiasu.. start bird nest... P
DQ: Yours very nice la.. really one... i am gona try to out kiasu everyone. my 1st time decorating a place ma... im will not be able to sleep if the furniture doesnt match..
To All: I will try to upload, I havnt figured out how to upload yet, as the pc im using is public pc, and my work pc is intranet enabled only.. so i can only stalk the doctors :(
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