Monday, 5 November 2007

My First (Proper) Interview

Some reporters came along today to make sure we don't get any lunchtime interview us about the Podiatry Department and how we do things here. They were from a magazine that is published somewhere in Hong Kong and were doing an article on diabetes and teamworking. So with Podiatry being a "vital" aspect in the management of an individual with Diabetes, we were naturally included into the article. Actually, they were going to interview my boss, but she dragged me along and so I sat through the interview too. The photographer was snapping away, and it was very distracting to see random flashes of light. The reporters decided I was photogenic enough to be included in the interview and so proceeded to interview me too. My 10 seconds of fame! They asked questions on why I chose Hong Kong as a fresh graduate, what challenges I face in my work and what vision do I have for my future.

While I answered the standard questions with standard answers and did my bit to plug Podiatry as a noble and worthy profession, I wondered what my real vision for the future was. The reporters joked that I will meet a nice doctor and settle in Hong Kong, while the boss seems to think along the same lines. They have ulterior motives really, they just want to keep me here.

I am furnishing my room slowly. And in the process, I think long and hard. Should I buy the oh-so-pretty dresser and match it with cream lace curtains and grey-flower-on-grey curtains? Or will basic cheap cardboard suffice? How long will I stay here to justify the spending on furniture? I gave up and bought myself a proper mattress and will buy a bedframe tomorrow.The sales assistants seem to think I will meet a nice rich doctor, get married and stay here and then they can sell me a more expensive bed (What is with everyone today?). It has been a good learning experience and I am sure I will be an amazing money-spender when the time comes to spend someone else's money. I got more pillows from Ikea. Shows my priorities are bed-based huh? :)

I am determined to move into my new place this weekend. The double rent will kill me eventually if I don't.


100 said...

which magazine? scan it and flash it here, ya?

PS: perhaps 3 years extimation is a bit too conservative. =P

Stella said...

I am not sue, but I think we will get a copy when it's out.
Why is 3 years conservative? I think its a long shot.. maybe 5 years would be more accurate.