Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Pseudo Hammer

I have been thinking. My paintings are languishing in the corner, while I drool over cute Korean actors and read chicklit. I am feeling just a bit guilty. But but but, I went to see the Hostel Manager to ask about peeling paint in my room, and to hang some paintings up to block it. Okay, the paint is just a little bit cracked and hardly visible but the fact that it is there is irritating me and I need to hide it so that I can sleep at night.

It was my assistant's last day today. I feel very sad that she has decided to go on holiday while the rest of us have to work *grumble*. I will have my first isolated clinic tomorrow, and I don't have a clue where everything is! However, I have mastered the art of denying people unnecessary treatment and teaching them to self-manage. I am not the person the whiny and lazy patient wants to see as I am pretty ruthless in discharging. Oooh! We will be getting a new collegue! The boss managed to get HA to approve another post for another podiatrist. While this would still make me bottom of the pecking order, I don't mind as the more the merrier! We can't believe the fact that there will be three of us! :) It is absolutely amazing! And it would also open up the opportunity of promotional prospects!

I tried to hammer in the hooks for the paintings today. So far, I have managed to dent a chopping board, a screwdriver and a padlock. I don't have anything else I can use. I could use my new pretty knee high boots, but that would be a waste no? The boots were soooo cheap! Only 10 pounds!!!!! I like Hong Kong.

Anyways, I am interviewing people for my assistant's job next week. I have never interviewed anyone! How cool is that? Should I pick the pretty one so that the patients have eye candy to look at to soothe their pain? Or the old wrinkly one so that I look younger? But then, I don't need to look any younger. People think I am the intern. -_- I will be sitting on the interview panel with Titanic. I sure hope I am able to keep a straight face.

Oh. there are also Cookies working in here. As well as three Rainbows, one Banke and a Tree. The boss told me the funniest she has ever seen, was at a restaurant on the banquet board. On that very auspicious day, Gucci was marrying Alien. May God bless their children Martian and Armani.


Anonymous said...

"On that very auspicious day, Gucci was marrying Alien. May God bless their children Martian and Armani"

Hahahah only your entries can make me laugh out loud! Glad to see you're doing well, talk soon!

christmas stocking fillers said...

This is bets thing that you are doing. May GOD bless you.