Sunday, 23 December 2007

Anger is good for circulation

The last boy I kissed.

I have a theory: When you get angry your face goes red. (It also goes red when you blush/do something wrong and get found out/your tshirt is worn inside out and you are the last to find out) So the blood that circulates in that area would be considerably more than say, you were dead and cold, giving it the cute pinkish colour. The colour gets deeper when you have drunk a bit and the haemoglobins are just raving to go.
Anyways, I believe we all need to get angry once in a while so that we can move the stagnant blood in the face away and bring in oxygenated blood which will be better for the tissues thereby giving a more youthful look. Blushing is so annoying to look at especially if you have eyes the size of saucers. And I don't like getting caught out so being angry is the only option. I am not telling you who I am targeting my anger at either. Then you will have the wonderful opportunity to face my wrath! :)

I went to get my credit card yesterday and was determined to exercise it. You know, give it a good run so that it slides smoothly. However, I didn't see anything interesting and Harvey Nichols had this wire that was running on the floor and almost tripped me up. So I went to the airport to check out the shops there. Okay, I'm not that sad. I sent my friend to the airport as she was flying off to New York for Christmas. I wish I was small enough to fit in her bag, but her bag was already very heavy and probably had another stowaway inside. So I went to the outlet stores next to the airport. The route there was along Scenic Road, and I had a great view of cargo containers on the left of the road, and the airport carpark on the right. Very scenic. I didn't get very much. Just a few bits and bobs. The collegues had showered me with presents for a few days. Traditionally, we give presents on Boxing Day. I guess Hong Kong is just a little anxious. So I will have to hunt for nice presents to return the favour. I have taken Monday off but I guess I am going back to the clinic to do some paperwork and see my new assistant.

I am off for my massage and facial. Oh the joys of being pampered! :)

Note: I had dinner with the Hong Kong Glaswegian's parents on Friday night. I didn't imagine they were so straight talking here, asking about your family, working,educational history etc. Talk about interviews! I told my mum and she was shocked at the extent people pry into your life, digging out every-last-intimate-detail-right-to-the-last-boy-you-kissed.


LX said...

Merry Christmas, Mangobun!

Stella said...

Merry Christmas! :)