Merry Christmas everyone! :)
I wish everybody a peaceful and happy existance.
May harm evade you; sorrow not touch you;
May happiness fill you days and love fill your heart;
May joy and blessings seek you out while pain and sadness forget your address.
This is my first Christmas celebrated alone. My brother is in a similar position, maybe he has it better off because he doesn't need to cook. I went to church for midnight mass and since I had nothing to do today, I went again for Christmas Day mass. I am glad I did, the guy 3 seats down was absolutely cute! He looked like Daniel Henly cute. All the more reason for you to visit, eh Ra? :)
I finished off the last of the Christmas shopping (finally!) and am now suffering from shopping fatigue. I can't believe this is happening. My credit card is still 90% untouched. The room got a thorough spring clean and the laundry was all sent off. Some people tell me that all I ever do is cleaning and laundry. I have no life.
I was supposed to go out for Christmas dinner with some friends, but the restaurants were all fully booked which was a bummer. So I had my own dinner of roast duck, vegetables and crayfish in wine sauce with rice. The banker chose his bed over my company for dinner. This doesn't do my self-esteem any good to be ranked lower than an inanimate object. I didn't miss the company as my cute USB Christmas tree was a much more entertaining dinner partner.
Anyways, I am off to the boss' place for Christmas lunch tomorrow. It will probably end up with everyone wasted but happy. I was planning to go to this vocation and life choices talk by the nuns, but I guess I won't be able to make it. Then it's back to work on Thursday. Time flies when you have things to do like sleep and eat cake.
Merry Christmas, Stella! :)
MErry Christmas Sister!!! :D
Where did you find such a cute bank??
Not in time to wish Merry Christmas but wish you a Happy New Year!
does the bank use choc coins? :D
what is this? everyone insulting my bank?
Merry Christmas back to everyone and a Happy New Year!
This bank is in Snoopyworld and has cool money. I used HK$ but they will accept VISA or MASTERCARD too.. haha.. I am sure chocolate coins will be considered ahah...
thought visa and mastercards are accepted everywhere? but i still think choc money is the best tho it mite not last till i get to the shops. :P
Yea, choc money is universal.
My Platinum Visa not accepted in China.. they want locally issued Visa.. shesshh
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