Then they took my mugshot. The guy who took my photo for my ID badge told me I looked cute. -_- How cute is this compared to the previous photo??!! He still remembers my name when I go around to HR. The barista is also nice too! Ah.. for a pretty boy... The guy I offered the job too turned me down. i don't know what to think. Am I that incompetent-looking as a boss? Or so I seem like the intern so much so the kid doesn't think he can take instructions from me? I am interviewing another guy on Monday. He is big and burly and looks about 40 years old. The truth is, I am pretty scared of him.
Finally you managed to upload some shots of yourself! Nice! :)
Stella I'm jealous of your skin!
DQ & Nits: Haha.. are you guys stalking me? I like being stalked!
Nits: My skin nothing to rave about.. that's before I started work. Now it's all weather-beaten :P
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