Saturday 19 December 2009

The Medic has Landed

This the week before Christmas. Yours truly was debating the wisdom of sending home Christmas presents for the Fifth Sibling etc era. Then I remembered that the little brat sulks and will refuse to talk to me for a month if I did not send anything back. So a massively overpriced parcel was duly dispatched to the sunny land of Nasi Lemak. The postman stuck about a hundred stamps on the parcel. You would think that they have large denomination stamps that would suffice, but no, he covered the side of the parcel with colourful Cantoland stamps. I wouldn't let him put the fancy gold/silver/bronze East Asian Games limited edition stamps because that would guarantee the non-arrival of my parcel.

We had a Christmas party at work where we had to bring along a dish we made ourselves. Everyone else had parents/helpers who made the food, while I made my own. I am so proud of me. In fact, I deserve a prize. I won the lucky dip! I never win anything! :) So I am now five hundred dollars richer! :)

The medic has come back to visit Cantoland this weekend. I am so excited! It's been a whole ten months since I last saw one of my Powerpuff sisters (who happen to be grown men but it's okay). It will be fun to catch up and drink lots of alcohol without guilt, because no matter what, I will never out-drink a doctor.

Three days till Shang Hai! :)

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