Saturday 12 December 2009

Skin is Big Money

I went to the dermalogists' annual christmas dinner last night with the boss. Skin is one of those specialist fields that all women would like to have as a friend while all major beauty product companies would love to have as clients.

Needless to say, we always come home with loads of goodies. I have enough beauty freebies to last me the next three years no kidding! Am aiming for the free laser treatment and botox next hahahaha! You seriously do get scutinised by dermatologists for any textural imperfections, acne, thread veins. Just like your dentist would be staring at your teeth when you are talking to them, or your podiatrist at your feet and highly inappopriate footwear.

But when your friend the dermatologist decides that the lone pimple on your forehead does not become you, he will give you loads of freebies to get rid of that pimple. I like my dermatologist! :) Or maybe they were staring at my cleavage wrinkles. =/

We met quite a few unmarried doctors in various specialties. Medicine can be such a small hunting ground. They were surprised to find that we have loads of single and available girls for sale attractive young women in our department. If you do look at the percentage, 80% of our professional staff are unmarrried and 60% are female under 30 years of age. There aren't very many of us to start with anyway!

So the boss is scheming to matchmake us all up. I get to play charporone and pick a fight when the doctor 'makes the move'.
Work is fun! :)


Flo Flo said...

send those freebies to those who needs it more. it's the month of giving :D

nithia said...

so dermatology is where the money's at?? maybe i should consider a career switch!

Stella said...

Flo: they are heavy! may bring some back the next time I head to KL. :)

Nits: Yes... Dermatology!! Then I will be your free laser/botox/chemical peel before/after photo in private practice!